You can now SMELL your video games with the GameScent AI device! #gamescent #ai #gaming #smell By admin | December 16, 2024 | 50 You can now SMELL your video games with the GameScent AI device! #gamescent #ai #gaming #smell Posted in Future Tech Trends and tagged AI gaming systems
imagine playing Dying light 2 lmao !!!
Play mortal kombat to smell that sweet fatality 😊
Play dead space
welp time to play any of the doom games and just smell the rotting flesh and blood being spilled everywhere
Read amazin reviews. Domt get it based off an ign review
Conker’s Bad Fur Day:
Someone shitting💀💀
The smell of gunfire is delightful though
can you try playing helldivers 2 with this
they should put this on controller
Im afraid of what the rooms gonna smell like after one mission in helldivers 2
wonder what DOOM eternal would smell like
Binding of Isaac and its sewer and womb levels are gonna go crazy
Gagging at gunpowder is crazy to me. That stuff smells great, especially when it’s fresh
Welp time to fire up south park and the stick of truth.
Blighttown in Dark Souls wants your location.
Imagine playing postal 2 on this lmao
Might as well have a toilet in your room at that point
Bros just smelling greenhouse gases at this point
Ark players wont buy this
We already know the smell of the game
Imagine playing dead Island on this😅
This is for people that have never gone outside to sit in the grass…..that is genuinely pathetic…
How about the smell of blood?🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸
Who else thought it was the KFConsole
Dudes trying to play the flood section in Halo 3:
Imagine Outlast or Silent Hill with that shhhh 🤢
Imagine burning weed in farcry 3 with this
Me hopping on FNaF 3: 💀💀
I smell blood just played doom😮
Smellavision?! Chef Emeril is losing his mind rn!
It actually turns out like the smell of gun powder…
The binding of isaac:
does it work with zombie games, with dead bodies
Stoo. Pid
As someone who’s shot guns, this guy is not throwing up. If you can’t stand the smell of burning gunpowder then you would hate to be at a 4th of July fireworks show. They smell the exact same, and it’s an amazing scent.
one scarlet rot smelling liquid please 😊
what about famous far cry 3 mission ?
April 1st already?
Playing outlast
Now lets play scorn and little nightmares with this😊
Dad: son why does it smell like seamen here?
Imagine playing Dead Space with this the gore smell alone will traumatize you holy💩
Oh no…
Halo 3, the mission Cortana… 💀
You should play conkers bad fur day with that!
hhmmm…i play H ganes…so…
Smell of the Game unironically